Gestalt therapy is a holistic, experiential and relational way of working with individuals and couples. Our couples therapists are here to help your relationship thrive.  We at Gestalt Columbus understand that being in a healthy, committed relationship can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our life.  Because of this, we believe that working together in therapy with your seasoned therapist will benefit your relationship in deep ways.  Couples therapy can be difficult, and we are here to help yours become successful.

When is the right time to seek couples therapy?
Now! We believe that all couples can benefit from therapy, at any stage of their relationship. Whether you are dating, considering big transitions such as moving in together, getting engaged, having children, or getting married, encounter a relationship crisis, have been deeply hurt by one another, are facing life decisions, feeling disconnected, stuck in negative communication patterns, or satisfied in your relationship and want to make it stronger.

How can I make the most of couples therapy?
There are a few ways you and your significant other can make the most of couples therapy. Your therapist will go into more detail based on your specific needs and struggles.
1. Be open to self-exploration and own how you’ve contributed to your relationship strengths, as well as the struggles in your relationship.
2. Make quality time for each other between appointments.
3. Focus on being the best relationship partner you can be.
4. Be honest and open during your session.
5. If you communicate with your therapist between sessions, talk with your significant other about this. No triangulation.

How quickly will we see results?
While this tends to be one of the first questions we’re asked when couples begin therapy, the answer varies. Also, “results” in couples therapy can mean a few things. At times, success is a healthier, more passionate and loving long-term relationship. Sometimes it means learning how to respect the other and learn to communicate effectively for the sake of co-parenting. Some couples determine that they are no longer meant to be together, and the purpose of therapy becomes learning how to end the relationship as respectfully as possible. Here are a few considerations:
1. How motivated and willing each person is to work on themselves and the relationship.
2. The strength of the therapeutic relationship.
3. How often the couple seeks therapy (this is agreed upon by you and your therapist).
4. The level of disconnection or connection you feel toward each other.
5. Your ability and willingness to trust the process and understand that your relationship did not encounter struggles overnight.

We are happy to discuss your questions or concerns – Contact